Never get screwed at lunch again! The goal of PocketDiner is to allow you to calculate to the cent what each person owes - taking into account shared food, divided tax & tip according to what was ordered, or who's birthday it is - all while minimizing data entry.

Split Food Fairly

This app is for you, when just dividing by the number people is too simple. Keep track of what everyone orders and what is shared.

Pay for what you ordered

Split the bill and make everyone pay for what they ordered.

Birthday Mode

Birthday mode lets you designate who eats free and fairly divides their order amongst everyone else.

Tax and Tip

Adjustable tax and tip rates

Share Food Costs Easily

Share food with one person in the group or with everyone in the group and split the cost only for those who need to pay.

Meal Total Easily Accessible

Meal and diner bill totals are easily accessible with a simple swipe up

Easily Add Diners

Add diners either from your contacts or manually.